About Us
Welcome to Tijuana Dental
At Tijuana Dental we take pride in our work! We love what we do, and it shows. We offer American standard dental care at 50-70% of the typical US pricing.
With our highly trained, professional team you can expect nothing less than the best. Our specialists are highly regarded in the dental care industry, with impeccable reputations in their field. Our team offers service in fluent English and Spanish.
Once you decide to contact us via phone of email, our specialist will respond promptly and provide you with all of the information your require to move forward with dental treatment.
Our dentists and dental implant specialists are at your disposal to discuss your options in depth.
If you require assistance with your travel plans to and from Tijuana Dental, we can assist you with all of those needs. Leave it to us to ensure that you feel 100% comfortable and at home every step of the way!
If you require assistance with your travel plans to and from Tijuana Dental, we can assist you with all of those needs. Leave it to us to ensure that you feel 100% comfortable and at home every step of the way!